Inspired channeled messages, Fullmoon wishes come True

No matter what a Moon Phase we are Being and Livinv Now.
Fullmoon as new , waxning and quarter. 
I will still Do and Act for Our Highest outcome involved Everyone on this path and that coming path.
Choose Yourself over all. Choose what makes Your serving Highest good by doinh Best in every moon phases we are in.
Moon is representing Our darkness, shadows, feminine energy, emotions and Water element. 
I wish every Moon phase will be Best being Free from Binds to When, where , how and what.
No matter times , spaces  ,diemensions and realities we are in or were. 
We all Living on Same Planet, but we are not on the same Frequency in tune.
In astrology we got 9 Planets. Not only the Sun is Us ,also the Rest.
In your own Shadows remembering to Forgive and take care of yourself talk within. 
When you are around others be Aware of Your Reactions.
When we are into Subconscious energy working progress at Sleep.
Why if due to Our Ego masks we chosen to Wear for not showing Our Fears ( shadows).
We are telling Our Soul self ( Light self), I am not Ready to be Whole and expressing this Part . The ugly and bad parts.
But when we deeply relaxed,  sleep or meditate.  We are connected back to Our Self  heart chakra centre.
This action we are Going Within and following Our Heart speed.
When we are doing so, we are Connected As above so below.
As below to Lower Chakras ( Shadow self)
As Above to Higher Chakras( Light Self ).

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