Shadow work , hm Shadow self ascended <3 True self mirror exercises
Ehhh, shadows are not so Scarry and nothing we should threating and be so fearful of. Especially when our own Shadows caught Up. Well, why because without the Shadow pieces, we are nothing than energy walking on Earth. Without what the hell we are here for.
Everyone own a Reason to be here and still Alive. We are supposed to be here and alive. We are meant to be here for that Purpose.
We are meant to Wake up when the Purpose wants Us to step in. Because of that Reason we are here. We are being trained to Act that Role. Being the Representant. Be the Truth , be the Change, be whatever We Truly can be on this Psychial vessel.
Without the Shadows We will be more Lost to what We are Capable of. What are our Unique skills? What is our 5d strengths? The more Shadows we Own and carried, the more Light we can beaming when we shifting the Shadows to Lights.
My Shadows are guiding me, even though they still is like a child , like to be that Rascal. I met our knowing Ascended Master at last night, WHO?? Guan Yin into a timeline from the shift before she was into Higher timelines. When I was into a timeline a Higher spirit and never incarnated down here. Only my twinsoul did incarnated on some life. I was his higher self and source.
He can always be in tune by simple Connecting to Heart . Whatever what a sex he was into . Guan Yin saying She cant really Guide me with something.
I said I need her guides . She said when they are on the path of Practising manifesting. She was focused on Ayurveda wisdom. As she told me I am a ancient Yogic. I am not just felt I am home since I picked up Ayurveda in medicine through Food.
I being guided or delivery back what is My Ancient divinity gifts I representing , what kind of Energies from higher realm. When I never come down here. When I am my higher self and multi diemensional unity conciousness service my Light and love unconditonally to multi planets, not just on the Earth.
My Demons guide me to Meet a demon spirit of Fox, she is though never a Evil heart because she wants to cultivate to be a Human being. Yeah that is tricky . A demon spirit wants to be A human. A human wants to be immortal. Even a demon spirit being is mostly immortal due to they lived much longer than a human life path.
They dont need to go through incarnation, they are not belonging to any Law of attraction like Humans do.
She delivery back my Yoga mudras. Since kid I started to watch Journey to the West.
ONE thing I ever questioned but forgot I never got this answer even later. What is the Purpose of those Hand gestures Buddha and Guan Yin regularly do?
Is there any good benefits? Can anyone do it without getting Side effects? This we must getting briefly about our Nature basic elements.
Ether, air, fire,water and earth. To the Palmistry we must have heard, we can Predict our life paths and a lot through our hand palms. Later witchy even draw out our Planets on different places on the palms.
How Do we Self restoring without paying any pennies for our Chi to get into Balance? What is the Naturally ways and methodes?
At last night I got a face to comfirmed of Guan Yin, Tracy you are a Ayurveda practioner , that is nothing You just be, dont you feeling Familiar with all these? I said eh Yes, I really do feeling like I am home within again.
I am with my Soul and being my Soul self sometimes and easily.
Do no harm by when We are Acting as UNITY CONCIOUSNESS and knowing the Unity and Universal Life force can be very good, but for those who not yet to get so connected, it is really make them Hard to Breathe.
They dont know how to be FLEXIBLE yet, if I forcing my lights on their Shadows, will not it Creating more Imbalances than Balances?
To be Ready for Receiving, is also to be ready for not Resisting to Control anything. What is leaving let it, what is Coming and staying , allowing it to . What You should do to get as much Efforts of Good.
The Abundance and universal delivery is not the same ways we should do in what We regularly do.
We Act not React. We Act into the New Change, not react into the Regularly.
My inner demons dont ever harm me, but if I send them to you, you are not own my shadows. If I sent my Shadows to you, it will be eh.
Shadows vs Shadows. I cant be sure, they dont fight. But I can be sure, my demons only will act Aggressive to what is Alike .
But MY SHADOWS AND DEMONS ARE never gonna Harm or take shit on them , come back to me with that. Why, and how.
Why would they DO any Harm to a Authentic being energy? If my demons and shadows allowed to be themselves , the Truly and wholly being. Being Accepting no matter what Darkness they carried.
We calling this art for Alchemy, an Alchemist really can turns all into Love frequency, embracing all with what is.
Love can dissolving all Fears if you really give a Chance to Open and receive. Nothing can be Flow in Abundance, without we have Our Heart energy channel opening wide and dont be Shy to be a little naked ( seeing throguh, to be read through) in energetically.
Love can also do Universally energies a Favour, by pushing all the Fears up to surface. And allowing it to See and Sense. Here is We decide if all Fears are Shadows we absorbed from others. Those shadow bagages we need to Delete and clearing then transmuting.
But if the Shadows belonging to us, we need this Fuel to transmute into Light again.
Our Phoenix is Never gonna Burn what is Ourselves.
It is only burning and erasing all not Truly Us.