Psychic writing 1

Intuitive writing
No matter what We doing as Human beings, we Now realize that Nothing is gonna Hold together. When it is not Matching as our Inside. We will continue to See Everything Fall apart and We can not taking Actions for Moving forward.
Why we set up ourselves into these turbos? We might Wonder why We building more Obstacles to block our way forward.
Mostly these obstacles are not something we can See and meet with our Eyes.
These Obstacles are Highly unseen and invisible as they can be. They are our Subconsciousness obstacles that Blocking us to reach whatever You Wish and your goals are.
Maybe you will tell me , hey I do not got any Goal or wishes, then it will be Your Dreams / your Truly desires.
But before We can reached and manifesting our Truly desire reality. We can not Ignore our SHADOWS which into Frequency name Fear.
I am knowing to be Ascending is very not easy, as much I can remembering why my Twinsoul choose to come down to Earth from other Universe and star planet.
Yes ,to be a Twinsoul is a last growth phase to Mature to Adult for having wings like a Butterfly to fly.
Compare a Butterfly from coconn suprising everyone what a Beautiful insect it is to a Bee we mostly do not Attracting that much too.
Twinsoul is like Butterfly, very suprised when we start to Ascend to memory loss of Earth lower frequencies for ascending ,shielding, detoxifying and transmuting back to be Shinning, stunning , light and silence Chi.
New Earth signs, what are New Earth. When Our Planet Earth home starting to Ascend more and more within from the bottom and middle in Earth.
When We Twinsouls ( starseeds), light piooners , shamans and starseeds ( without unions but freelancer for serving New Earth ascending smoothly). And together with we mostly knowing Ascended masters like Buddha, Kuan Yin, Rumi and Jesus , that we meeting them and passing by into our Astral projecting, when we Accessing and assistancing us.
Whe Our NEW EARTH IS about finished, we all will be feeling One unity consciousness, the mostly Human having the Basic Chakra the lower three ( Root , Sacral and Solar Plexus) .
We activating Our Earth Heart Chakra. We purging as much as we can through our Starseeds and Twinsouls Light codes anchoring. Yes, I am knowing wow what a Big Responsibilites I got as A lightworker. Sooner I ascending through my sleeping timelines, now is calling My Resting and recharging timelines.
I had being seeing the New EARTH, how smoothly transport and traffic is. You can similarly take a train for about 6-7hours you arrive in Hong Kong from Sweden.
I had seen very High technology things, pretty much Clean and free of Cable home. Even we got more Electronic machines into our homes. But it will be more Multi that we can be without a Kitchen stove. Instead we building more places for our helpers ( electronic machines, spices, utensils and much more ).
We might choose different ways to live when We having everything so easy to access and get home.
Nothing like a elevator got a electric knock off will make you be hungry. You will having Meal prepared into your Kitchen. Which is Our Shadow timelines into Covid is here to Teach us.
Learn to make Yourself be First priorities no matter Outside is Falling Apart and even not Meeting your Standards . Not Manifesting Your Realties through Your True guided Dream scenarios.
We would Love to Hear everyone Sharing their True Dreams , that we got Experiences in soon a year. Don't tell me You missed out, because that is no Possibles. Covid is being here more than one year, which making everyone putting down into the Rabbit Hole and you can not climb up or crave up.
It needs to be here until We all getting this not just a Nightmare that just can pass away.
Love and Light
Leo and Tracy
Channelled finshed.