What is Ama? Energy congestion, blocked or stuck within.

What is Ama?
Ama is a Sanskrit word that translates literally to mean things like “unripe,” “uncooked,” “raw,” “immature,” or “undigested.”1 Essentially, it is a form of un-metabolized waste that cannot be utilized by the body.1 To some degree, the formation of small amounts of ama is a normal part of the digestive process, provided it is efficiently removed. But when it is not regularly cleared and eliminated, ama becomes hugely problematic. In fact, ama is said to be the root cause of all disease, and amaya, a Sanskrit word for disease literally means “that which is born out of ama.”2 The connection between ama and the disease process makes perfect sense because the qualities of ama are in direct opposition to those of agni. And remember, strong agni is essential to the maintenance of proper health. In other words, when agni is compromised and when ama accumulates, our health suffers, and the two situations are mutually reinforcing.
The qualities of agni and ama illustrate their perfect opposition to one another.
Agni is: |
Ama is: |
Modern diseases that are a direct result of ama accumulation include:1
- A POOR diet, which might involve:
- Overeating or emotional eating
- Improper food combinations
- Especially heavy food
- Fried food
- Excess amounts of cold or raw foods
- Highly processed or sugary foods
- An excess of the sweet, sour, or salty tastes
- A detrimental lifestyle (e.g. high stress, excess or inadequate sleep, lack of routine, excessive or inadequate exercise, etc.)
- Irregular eating habits
- Sleeping or eating before food is digested
- Sleeping during the day (for some constitutions)
- Lack of exercise
- Repressed or unresolved emotions
In Ayurveda, removing the cause of an imbalance is always one of the first steps in the line of treatment. While the exact cause in your case may not be entirely obvious to you, an Ayurvedic practitioner can help you to identify and redirect any aspects of your life that may be compromising your health. In the mean time, the following suggestions will be helpful.