My final words that I still using Trust half and knowing for entering 5d alchemy Reunion life on all plains with My twinsoul's higher self

My twinflame journey from lack to Whole and love within.
I want to share some higher conciousness energy in pattern from thoughts, feelings and Reactions. My journey before me and my pre twinflame with karmic stepping into our Cycles. I was already on the way to get my self treatment for sleep.
There was here I pick up other kind of Yoga that is more Yin energy. I bet I had always good Knowing about my Inner self Wellness.
I always taking it and listening to it. I will not just Draw some Conclusions in a rush then. But why I started can not sleep. I never thought there is some Soul pieces are being is around me even on psychial realm was coming. I started to do some stretch yoga and some heart chakra opening yoga without any Self awareness those positions I made was for Chakra. I even have no idea what chakra was and no even care to care. Without my completely awareness but my aim was clear and High very Self goal without anyone including. Only my self for getting properly to sleep when it is time to sleep.
I even no knowing any at all about Dreams are not longer just Dreams anymore. When I being getting rid of energies that was disturbing my sleep. Well I might being exhausted to care what I was dreaming. If that in case was a nightmare then no one can miss. Just do not want to do anything just to Wake yourself up , no matter how much you longing for some Sleep or rest. For the body I was supposed to say and my mind if my body felt rest enough.
Then when I met him I just feeling there is some interesting senses here. Then before in middle before high school started. I already back and front in secondary school last phase period I was having a Heating scalp on my head.
Then there I started my journey to a pillow that can well best is can Self regulating their temperature so I can sleep without need to get up. And change my head position. I am sure my Flame was not able to then connect My Heart start to beating Fast. The energies are time to activate some Light codes.
I was already doing Sun Salution. And also then shifting some other positions as my finished that yoga selection, just personally suit for me ending my selection.
You will knowing aha even a whole selection was done. But that is still some energy not falling on place. So there I will try to see what makes that also falling back to their place. When we are yoga I got totally right now. You are some how Awaken your own elements and just having a reunion time with your whole self on all plains . Not just this, at the end if we for existence that we feeling some Chi is not really feeling to Rest. It might being that Chi pattern is from the life force. It is also there we can feeling there is still some New and Abnormal energies we started to feel.
And our curious here is good. Because that is higher realm energy from Beyond. We are suddenly seeking more this. Especially it makes you feeling Light ,joy and happy.
Hope My own Multidiemensional experiences stories will being some support, assistance and inspiring other Starseed, twinflame ( starseed with a mission together with your half starseed) and Light workers.
We are Finally at the end of Old Earth that would be ascending keeping until human karmic cycles are totally finished .
But On the Ascended beings without knowing how to Share the galaxy light and love like the Universe is doing on all plains serving.
It is not you need to be someone, if you can not be that. You will started to look for what making this Need to be Complete ,if not we are just seeking some Components to replace or complete each other. But if You are Want , the Want can making 1000 of Needs to be Completed.
Like You need a spiritual guide, if you can not finding here on this plain. You knowing you got some Psychic ability you will started to reach out into other realms for Your Needs . To eh get your Answers for your Questions.
For if you are not looking for Responding some images and questions just do not leaving our Mind to Peace within. Within you will just going around with no Peace for some reasons.
I was Also started to give up even on Spiritually plain. Or I choose to be into dreaming this Specific beautiful dream My whole life instead. Even I know it is meaning I will be more dying inside. But I had done all . The dymnaic still not shifting ? I listening and decodes all guidelines. All Inner energy works. Get all my karmic on Earthly plain done and met. Actions all why was is still had be he did not moving toward me.
What more do I had to for making him stepping out and get moving ? Just I get your shoes can you start move or what make you not moving?
What was weighing you down ? Can you tell me that? If not knowing how to speak in Words. I am fine with Telepathy this to me.
I got later aha I am choose to receive for myself enough.
Then I shifted this for myself. Then my journey on here started to unfold like things and wishes I want to started to delivery. It is starting to True manifesting here. I continue to receive for myself to feeling Inner self supporting. Healthy and higher vibrations path.
But that shifted some Karmic away. Or cut or cleanse. But not enough for Mirroring he still had to Needs to see some changes into me that he longing to see these years or many.
What he said do not you feeling Chaotic? I actually don't. I said no . But he seeing Aura is ego.
It made me Confused for some seconds. He said he know how to Fix it . Why men loves to fix things ?
All is whole but I got understand that because he did not get as a Soul connection is meant to Know and know more. Until you getting knowing you first place why you started to seeking Truth.
*Self Patience
*Self forgiveness
*Self gratuide
These 2 tools are very handy and Magically manifesting a lot Mircales instantly sometimes.
Self Patience Is like you have done like 8 hours work. If you do the same tomorrow you will do it even better. But day 3 in you will even started to get your own Uniqueness, want to make this place to be a part of Yourself. That is Normal, because in some Subconsciously you started to Connect to all that is Your path showing and Unfolding.
Like you want to a salay 26000kr. And if the contract monthly is 26000, you might be into a rush and signing quickly.
But if it is something you want is coming from Multidiemensional world only there is all making sense and knowing you are always receiving your Best and after a while loving this New life ,you will be more giving Unexpected suprises as a bonus to what You already are.
It is easy to Miss out and lost even confused , when we forgot to Be Grateful what we whole selves already become.
No one is actually coming from Nothing. Even you are coming up from Climbing from death. But you are still having something Alive. Self gratuide is like gonna making the Cycle sure to function it will always Urging what is not Grateful to leave us by the end of the day.
Then ugh but my twinsoul is married and or being domestic in years. They do not care a
Or having any feelings for romantic . I do not care what his higher self coming to me saying opposite.
Hen make themselves Unavailable. Which means they are not always working Properly to be Available for being own themselves and feeling Complete.
Sometimes they can and really quite enjoy, but mostly some plain they are facing ,there was or us something that weighing them back and down. Even they knowing Sometimes no doubt just known you are there, you are their only because we are One into all plains.
But the weighing they being make surface after being with Lights. They started to eh. Shadows are back. I must running away to somewhere that they can not catching me. Instead of facing them which was the Goal on this Path, the Path never end until You had becoming the Goal.
A complete Soul is not just we are feeling whole and do not Having Needs at all . All will being Our Wants. We being walking into a world that is also well a Complete soul beings on the whole street.
That is my case right now. My side of Earth even we living into the same city. I Mean can it be that difference like I am living on heaven. he is on Earth. I am Co creator for our new timelines om Earth. How I want it to I edit Mt scripts until I am yes no more can be editing. And go down here is a Guide book for you. just read as much much can , do make me wait for too long.
I had to go up again. I Do not feeling to be down here for too Long.
So for him maybe why you do take me with you? I can learning upstairs.
Once 3d mind start to stepping into higher realm. We Started to Amnesia on our Past, Future statues and yeah all thing that do not having to do with True self / Soul self.
Channeled by Shamanic Light & Jean Michel C